
EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System at-home filtration; and EnviroKlenz’s HVAC Filter. EnviroKlenz is the brand from Timilon Corporation who manufactures high surface area micron and submicron powders, mostly metaloxides that can be incorporated with fibrous substrates. EnviroKlenz
EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System at-home filtration; and EnviroKlenz’s HVAC Filter. EnviroKlenz is the brand from Timilon Corporation who manufactures high surface area micron and submicron powders, mostly metaloxides that can be incorporated with fibrous substrates. EnviroKlenz

EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System at-home filtration; and EnviroKlenz’s HVAC Filter. EnviroKlenz is the brand from Timilon Corporation who manufactures high surface area micron and submicron powders, mostly metaloxides that can be incorporated with fibrous substrates. EnviroKlenz