North American Nonwovens Industry Outlook Report – INDA Market Intelligence and Pathways to Opportunity

North American Nonwovens Industry Outlook Report
North American Nonwovens Industry Outlook Report

The INDA Market Intelligence department began 2024 with directive to re-envision INDA’s focus as a valuable data-driven resource and expand the market tools that we provide to the INDA membership and industry. I had the honor of leading this ambitious effort, along with Cindy Garcia, Senior Research & Market Analyst.

We began work to produce the Nonwovens Annual Study (Supply Report), Quarterly (member) Market Pulse Report, and the North American Nonwovens Industry Outlook Report – a 319-page volume of statistics, figures, graphs and supporting text that provides critical market business intelligence. The report is the result of a minimum of four months of intense concentrated data analysis.

To add more value, INDA also now offers new reports like Long-life Durables, Sustainability, and regional reports as they become significant in the market.

While some of the data in the North American Nonwovens Industry Outlook Report is historical, most of it covers the latest trends and statistics for the industry by primarily covering the demand or end-use market segments. This report also covers processes and does it with greater precision than ever before, providing intricate details on baseline economic and demographic trends along with consumption figures to support those trends. The Outlook report offers a complete and comprehensive picture of the North American nonwovens industry with key trends which accurately forecasts the future of the nonwovens industry for the next five years.

Gathering all of the information for a report like this is extensive, and requires hours of market study, peer review, and interface with key individuals within the nonwovens industry. Development of mathematical algorithms is an important part of the data research, which accurately calculates the amount of nonwoven in a specific automobile model, baby diaper, adult incontinence product or a household filter, as an example.

As a part of the overall strategy, INDA’s focused theme for 2024-2025 is “Sustainability,” and is reflected in INDA’s events – World of Wipes™ (WOW), RISE™ and Hygienix™, and culminates at IDEA®2025, April 29-May 1, 2025 in Miami Beach, FL, USA and is co-located with FiltXPO™

We are also pleased to share about INDA’s inaugural Sustainability in Nonwoven Conference will be April 29-30th, 2025.

Sustainability, often misunderstood, has the current emphasis on ways to reduce the carbon footprint. INDA’s mission is to elevate discussions to include innovation towards planetary health, while still achieving lifestyle benefits that the nonwovens industry provides consumers.

INDA will embrace sustainable initiatives going forward and will continue to think globally. Our sustainability initiatives include webinars, UN plastic pollution reduction initiatives, online sustainability success stories, dedicated conference programs, and provoking thought leadership. INDA communications seeks to effectively report to internal and external stakeholders on the industry’s commitment to progress, as well as offering opportunities to showcase it through the INDA Awards program.

Our membership benefits and improvements to information accessibility have been enhanced and are well-received based on recent member interviews conducted. A more open Association dialogue has offered a unique opportunity to engage with the industry like never before.

INDA has placed a priority on improved training programs, both for on-demand and in-person experiences at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. We have increased engagement in industry partnerships that provide mutually-beneficial collaboration, such as in the California Waste Collection Study and co-sponsored educational programs with Nonwovens Institute at North Carolina State University (NWI).

INDA’s Government Affairs initiatives are involved at the policy level from United Nations treaties to tariffs to promoting manufacturer-friendly legislation through committees and organized coalitions. Our strong presence in Washington, D.C. keeps watch over important issues like international 301 tariffs, flushability standards, the UN plastics treaty, FTC green guides, PFAS and other chemical issues.

Relationship-building is a key part of INDA’s strategy for the future, utilizing responsible stewardship, technical expertise, and engagement through dialogue to protect industry, promote progress and connect INDA’s nonwovens network to opportunity for greater success. Valuable behind-the-scenes functions at INDA contribute through Marketing, Technical Affairs, Events, Membership, Government Affairs, Publications, and others.

We hope that you will support our efforts by purchasing INDA reports, attending events, participating on committees, reading publications, and attending our training courses and webinars.