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Manmade Fiber

IFJ Exclusive: Ever Evolving Fibers

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ITMA Asia + CITME show floor

The seventh edition of ITMA Asia + CITME is scheduled to be presented live and in person, June 12-16 in Shanghai. The event expects to showcase 1,650 exhibitors for the …

A focused-ion beam cross-section of CNT fiber

Lauren Taylor and Oliver Dewey are pursuing doctorate degrees in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Rice University where they study the processing of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into high-performance fiber. Lauren’s …

Fiber Innovations Center, Gaston College

In 1941, the North Carolina Textile School was established by an act of legislation, and it officially opened in 1943 with a series of classes including weaving, spinning, knitting and …

High-strength fibers like Dyneema has resulted in ropes that have 75% less weight

The textile machinery branch of Germany’s VDMA, the Frankfurt-headquartered mechanical engineering industry association, held a series of webinars showcasing the technologies of some 30 of its members between June and …

Chart of Polyester Feedstocks 2005-2023

World fiber supply was balanced between natural and manmade fibers a quarter of a century ago but the latter considerably gained momentum afterwards, holding a current market share of more …