Market Data & Pricing

6 essential tips to prepare a business for sale and maximize what you get
You have invested years, possibly decades of your life building a successful business. When the time comes to sell that business, you’ll want to get the greatest possible value in …

The Fiber Year 2021 – Key Findings
Work for The Fiber Year 2021 is still in full swing when writing this article in early May, but essential findings are becoming apparent: 1.) supply surprisingly robust 2.) demand …

Do I sell or do I grow?
The textile fiber industry is changing, and standing still is not an option. Business owners must choose between several financial paths, including investment in growth, M&A activity and cashing in. …

New after-effect from COVID – logistics moves from cost of doing business to colossal headache
As if COVID lockdowns and their implications for supply and demand were not challenging enough, every stage of the nonwovens supply chain from resin through end-customer is wrestling with a …

The Fiber Year – Global development of spun and filament yarns
Both filament and spun yarn production marked new all-time highs achieving a joint level of 96 million tonnes in 2019. The average annual growth rate of yarn production in the …