Geosynthetics & Agriculture

DOMEination in Geotextiles
A New Approach to Water Storage in the City of Dawn When it rains in Tamil Nadu, the southernmost state of India, it certainly rains. In this monsoonal region, 90% …

TenCate Grass Launches First-of-Its Kind Synthetic Turf Recycling Program in the U.S.
TenCate Grass, the world’s leading manufacturer, distributor and installer of synthetic turf for sports and landscape applications, announced a first-of-its-kind program in the U.S. to recycle end-of-life artificial grass – …

EUROGEO returns!
The organizing committee presents 7th European Geosynthetic Conference to be held in Warsaw, Poland on September 4-7, 2022. It is the first live geosynthetics conference to be held after the …

Beaulieu Fibres International’s PP straight fibers used to reinforce natural grass sporting fields
Mansfield Sand Limited’s sports sand and rootzones are reinforced with polypropylene straight fibers from Beaulieu Fibres International. The technology is being used by many of the leading clubs from the …

Agrotextiles expand the landscape in the fight against food insecurity
The coronavirus pandemic could see around 265 million people suffering from acute hunger by the end of the year unless swift action is taken to ensure food supply chains keep …